Verification of rosters-important points
Postal SC/ST employee’s welfare Assn. main agenda should be verifying the
rosters maintained by various appointing authorities. This is important document which are maintained
to required percentage of representation
of SC/ST employees in the Division, Region and Circle in various
posts/cadre. The Assn has miserably
failed to concentrate in this work not only Postal Department but also other
department of central and state Government.
We are aware that the major time and energy are diverted to organize the
Assn. and settle the individual case of transfer and suspension and other
service matters. Though this issues also
should get the attention of the officer bearers of the Assn. at various level,
It is equally important to concentrate on the upkeep and maintenance of
reservation roosters which is important documents
to ascertain the No. of vacancies are to be filled for various categories of
posts and main source of employment our unemployed educated youth. The Rosters maintained for Promotion for
various posts/Cadre will also contribute advancement in employment as such it is very important this
issue should get utmost importance of Assn.
this issue is so important? The implementation of post based rosters in lieu of
vacancy based rosters has necessitated this exercise by office bearers of SC/ST
employees Assn. The following omission
and commission have repeatedly occurred in maintaining the reservation rosters.
1. The rosters are not closed
regularly. In one postal unit the
rosters are not closed for three years continuously even though the Chief
postmaster has inspected every month each branch including Administration
branch but he left over the reservation rosters. The reasons behind this omission due to apathy towards SC/ST or denying the rightful
share of SC /ST representation in govt employment.
2. Even in the training given to
various cadre of the post dept, the maintenance of reservation rosters as one of the subject in
the training curriculum, unfortunately no one will take the subject in proper way.
3. In one Division the seniority
list of GDS officials was found with name of Muslim employee as SC
4. A similar irregularity found
in the Gradation list PM in Chennai City unit.
5. We never come across the
rosters with an indication that a particular SC/ST official had passed in the
GDS to PM or PM to PA examination on merit.
In such case they should be shown as SC-UR. While calculating the vacancies of a
particular recruitment year, their names will also taken as SC/ST while
calculating the No. of SC/ST employees strength, in that case those meritorious
employees who have been selected in direct recruitment and those who have been
promoted by virtue of their seniority will also be included in that strength. The net result is the meritorious employees
added in the reservation strength the total no of employees in the post and
cadre either in direct and departmental quota (promotion rosters) shown as
excess!. A simple logic is against this
excess representation is very simple no appointing authority is dare to
recruit/promote in excess of required representation of SC/ST employees
6.Excess representation will
arise only when the roster method changed from
vacancy based roster to post based roster. Unfortunately even during 2013 also in more
recruiting unit showing SC/ST vacancies as excess without following the correct
procedure which is detrimental to the interest of SC/ST employees.
7. In almost all the recruiting unit the direct
recruitment roster and departmental(promotional rosters ) are not equal No of
employees (i.e 50%-50%) while calculating the representation of SC/ST the total
sanctioned strength to be taken into account but unfortunately this was not
followed in many recruiting unit.
8. The following questioners are
given here to get the basic details of the division by the office bearers of
Assn. to ascertain status of the maintenance of the rosters.
Verification of Reservation
Rosters –Information to be obtained by Office bearers of Assn
1. Names of Rosters maintained by Division for Departmental quota (Please tick yes if roster is
available or please tick No if it is not available)
a) Postal Asst Yes
b) Postmen Yes
2. Name of Rosters Maintained for Outsider
quota (Direct recruitment) (Please tick yes if roster is available or
please tick No if it is not available)
a) Postal Asst Yes NO
b) Postmen Yes NO
c) MTS Yes No
C) Seniority list of GDS Yes NO
3(i) Sanctioned
strength of various cadres
Sanctioned strength of
1. Postal Asst 2.Postmen 3.Group-D 4.GDS
NO. of SC available
ST available
OBC Available
PH available
UR Availabl
4. Date of closing the rosters for the years 1997 to 2012
With following details.
a) Outsider quota
1. Postal Asst 2.Postmen 3.Group-D
b) Departmental quota
1. Postal Asst 2.Postmen 3.Group-D
5.Name ,Designation and serial No of officials belonging to
SC/ST whose name were shown as UR being selected on merit in the following
proforma for the years 1999 to 2012.
Outsider quota(Please
use separate sheet if required)
Name Designation Office
PA/PM/GDS Serial No in the roster
with year of Rectt
Departmental Quota(Please
use separate sheet if required)
Name Designation Office
PA/PM Serial No in the roster with year
of Passing
6.Please obtain Xerox copies of the following records.
1. Roster copy of both outsider
and departmental quota of all cadres from 1.1.2010
to 31.12.2012.
2. Seniority lists of GDS (Latest)
Model letter to get appointment for verification of rosters
Request for verification of rosters –Reg.
Office bearers of All India Postal SC/ST employees welfare Assn ,…………..Dn/Unit
wish to verify the reservation rosters maintained for various cadres . It is requested that a convenient date may be
intimated for verification of rosters during the first/Second/Third/Fourth week
of September-2013
following persons will verify the rosters on behalf of the Assn.
1.Name Desingnatin OfficeAddress
Place: Yoursfaithfully
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